Monday 5 December 2016

Building YOUR PERSONAL BRAND in what you do.


Everyone has a personal brand, but not everyone knows how to use it to their own advantage. A good reputation can carry more weight than your experience and skills put together – people do business with people, not portfolios! If you take a strategic approach to building your brand, it will soon replace your business card.

So what elements come into play when we talk about a personal brand? How can you ensure your brand accurately reflects your expertise and personality? And how do you put it to work?



This resource is all about building a personal brand and how it can help you achieve your career or project goals faster and with more success.

We’ll start by defining personal brand and go through a rich selection of available tools and exercises that will help you to create positive associations and increase your chances of attaining those goals.

This guide is for everyone who wants to improve their situation – be that to find a better job, win more clients, succeed as a freelancer or earn more industry recognition.

Having been a freelancer myself, I can honestly say that personal brand is a key ingredient in the recipe for success. When you build a recognisable personal brand that’s associated with your top skills or expertise, you let it do the talking for you.

We don’t really think about it that way, but we all have a personal brand. If you’re being referred to a prospective client by someone from your personal network, that’s a result of your brand! It simply means someone regards your work and your skills as exceptional and are willing to put their name on the line for you.

Personal brand is an extremely powerful tool in boosting one’s professional success – we just need to know how to tap into it.

So let’s begin, shall we?



So what does a personal brand entail?

If we look at people like Mark Zuckerberg, Alinko Dangote or Oprah Winfrey, the idea is pretty clear. Their names carry a certain weight not only because they’re mega rich, but because everything they do is a reflection of their vision and mission in life and they’ve managed to build a whole network of strong, positive associations that make them truly unique and separate them from everyone else.

That’s what a personal brand does – it celebrates and enhances your authenticity. It’s a combination of your values, passions and talents and how they are perceived by others.

If you’re not entirely sure whether you actually need a strong personal brand, here are a few examples of when we can most benefit from it:

✔ When we’re looking for a new job.
✔ When we want to make a career switch.
✔ When we’re planning to branch out on our     own.
✔ When we want to be more successful in our position.
✔ When we want to win more clients or generate more business.
✔ When we want to build a great network of like-minded professionals.
✔ When we want to earn industry recognition.

There are so many different reasons!

To lay a strong foundation of a personal brand, you need to tap into your genuine, individual human qualities from which your character and personality stem.

So take a pen and a piece of paper and let’s do some soul-searching in our next post.


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