Wednesday 3 February 2016

Plan for your First Dance in your wedding reception

First Dance are also known in the ordinary meaning as Couple's dance.  👫

I want to categorically say that The Couple's First Dance is now a thing to prepare  and plan for. 
Couples of our generation now take their first Dance serious. They take their time to plan and prepare so that they can thrill their guests.
Couples that plan and prepare for their first Dance usually rock the dance floor in various stepping, moving their bodies to the flow of the song they have specifically selected or rehearsed with.
I call them the Dance Floor Rockers.

The First Dance is actually the very first Dance the latest couples experience after they have been joined together.  It usually take place within minutes during the reception. Just the two of them,  before family and friends join them on the dance floor.

How do you prepare for your First Dance?
* You both have to select a song you both love.
* You both have to choose a dance move/step  if you want to do a choreography.
* You both have to rehearse with the song
* Make sure the song is the one you both enjoy and can move your bodies to.


  1. Stunning post about first dance of your wedding reception!! Thanks a ton for this amazing tutorial. Our wedding is on 10th of August and have reserved one of famous indoor wedding venues. We have hired a dance trainer for both of us. I hope everyone will like our performance!!

  2. Congratulations Wenni Donna. For your upcoming wedding. And thanks for the compliment. You can help us sharebthe post so that some others can benefit from it. I wish you a beautiful marital bliss dear. 😊
