Sunday 17 May 2020


Are you feeling unusually overwhelmed by wedding planning during COVID-19, hmm, you’re not alone. 
The worldwide Coronavirus pandemic is affecting couples planning their weddings this year and even 2021.
So how can we continue to plan in an effective and efficient way during this lockdown? We are here to help take the stress out of wedding planning so you can continue to create a celebration worthy of your love. Take a look below and find different ways to continue to plan your Big Day amongst the chaos, and let us know how you're planning has changed during this time!

With so many vendors being postponed now due to the COVID-19, their calendars are being scheduled way more in advance than ever before, so now is the time to book your "now (and beyond!)" vendors.

"If you are looking for a vendor, then this is the time to browse through websites and social media handles. You can request for full galleries and set up video calls to discuss more while we're all at home!"

It's not just a time to make big decision - think about the smaller details too that will have just as big an effect on your memories.

"Couple’s can use their time to think about sentimental details they want captured on their wedding day!

Refocus, regroup and remind yourself that a healthy bride is a happy bride!

"This is a great opportunity for those brides to create a calming wellness routine that can help keep them stress free during this time. Work on a skin care routine with a good mask- something the groom can do too if they are quarantine together! 
Keeping a positive attitude and looking for the joy that can come of this, I think is keeping my brides sane!" -

The smaller details are sometimes left as an after-thought. Spend this lockdown time wisely and really consider your accessories and style for the big day!

The ladies have more time to define their bridal look, contacting stylists for the professional advice and customizing details.

Did you start off with an aim to have a 'romantic' style Now's the time to refine your overall look and add in details to make it more cohesive.

If you've been affected by the lockdown and have postponed your wedding, it's highly likely your Dry season wedding may now be a Rainy season event.

This time shouldn't only be about prepping for your wedding day. What about the next 60 years?

"Take this time to focus on strengthening the foundation of your marriage by defining your common values, diving deep into "have I ever told you.. " conversations, and creating a bucket list of places you will go, books to read, seminars to attend and things you will experience together in the next 2 - 3 - 5 and 10+ years.

B O N U S: find a way to incorporate your values and 10-year plans into your redefined wedding celebration.

With Corona virus hitting the wedding industry hard, there are discounts and offers to be had. But be quick!

Just because the next couple of months are in question, it doesn't mean a date a few months down the line is automatically available. In fact, wedding vendors are currently booking up all their Fall and Spring dates for next year so be sure to lock down a new date ASAP.

We know it must be incredibly difficult to give in to the fact that your wedding day of which you've been counting down to for so long) is now postponed. You should reschedule a new date take this time to get used to the idea of your new date. Make sure you take your time to pick a new date.

Reach out to your wedding suppliers and get to know them more so they can represent you in a more authentic way.
Just as I have said before, you can make video calls to your planner and vendors.


The Honeymoon is a moment where you and your spouse starts off your forever together. Even though you both have forever to be together, this is a period you both will always remember for the rest of your lives, so you would want to make it as perfect as you can.

Here are simple steps you need to know before going on your honeymoon.

1. Make a list and consider your desired vibe:
Your lists needs to be reliable and flexible too. 
There are some sites on the internet that lists out places your can visit or go to for your honey moon. 
 You're looking for Fast paced and action packed? Relaxing and romantic? 
Are you hoping for someplace tropical? Mountainous? Historic? These factors will help you narrow down the destination itself. Talk it over, and then look into locations that line up with your desired vibe. Make the decision together.

2. Start with a Budget:
This is the time you both have to sit down together to set up a budget that can act as a guild, remembering you still have a long way to go together. 
So set up how much you would both want to spend for your honeymoon. This may include shopping, breakfast, surprises, hotels, site seeing, etc

3. Be knowledgeable about current world's situation: 
You might be interested in traveling to places or countries where there are hazards or dangers, make sure you are aware of the conduciveness of the places you want to go for your honeymoon, be sure the location is  secure or safe to visit. 

4. Make sure you can get enough time off to accommodate the trip you want to plan so that you can enjoy yourself to the fullest. 

5. Here are some places you can go for your honeymoon here in Nigeria:

a. Obudu Mountain Resort. 
b. The whispering Palm Resort. ...
c. MicCom Golf Resort. ...
d. Epe Resort and Spa. ...
e. Abraka River Resort. ...
f. Ikogosi Warm Springs Resort. ...
g. Zenababs Half Moon Resort. ...
h. Le Meriden Ibom Golf Resort.
i. Oguta lake Holiday Complex, and so many more beautiful places you can visit.

Search on the internet a d get beautiful places in the below cities you can to go if you are thinking of travelling outside Nigeria: 


Tuesday 7 November 2017


Do we have to have the same number of bridesmaids as groomsmen?
In a word, no. While it may look a little odd to have eight people on one side, and two on the other, the bridesmaid-groomsman ratio does not have to be absolutely even. What’s most important is that you pick people that you want by your side, not compulsory to hit a certain number.
The groom usually asks males relatives or close friends to stand as his groomsmen at the wedding. He may also choose to ask the spouse or significant other of one of the bridesmaids if he and his bride spend a lot of time with them as a couple.

The groom asks his brother, best friend or father to be his best man. It makes no difference whether the best man is single or married. Though the best man may have fewer duties than the maid of honor, his duties are just as important, so think “reliable” and choose your best man wisely.
Picking the groomsmen for your wedding can be one of the most awkward social issues a grown man will ever face that doesn’t involve your daughter’s teenage friends in bikinis. It’s the only time as an adult that you’re forced to draw a line in the sand and explicitly state, “some of you are over here, the rest of you are over here.” But you’re getting married, which means you’re now a real adult who needs to make real decisions, so quit drawing in the sand like a goddamn toddler, and man up.

It’s an uncomfortable situation; feelings can get hurt from those who once considered themselves part of your inner circle. By leaving them out of the groomsmen selection, it’s a not-so-subtle way of telling them that they are nothing more than trash to you, and they should be lucky to hold your dick while you pee during the wedding. Then you spit in their face and tell them to beg for their mummy. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

How does one actually go about selecting their groomsmen? Not the gimmes – brothers, cousins, brothers-in-law, etc. I’m talking strictly in terms of the friend group. Do you hit shuffle on your Facebook? Conduct a Hunger Games style competition between the contenders? Kill yourself? The whole thing is enough to drive a person to cheat on their fiancee to sabotage the nuptials. 
To help you traverse the rocky hills of groomsmen selection, I’ve taken the guesswork out of it for you, by compiling the guide below. Following this guide will help ensure that you’re flanked by the top of the top, who will surely make your wedding, a day to remember. 

Below, you will find steps to choose rightly. 

1. Calculate Which Friends Have The Highest Earning Potential – By the time you’re getting married, you’ve surely started to get a sense as to which of your friends will be able to stand on their own during the wedding not to take from you. 

2. Leave Out Everyone Who Is Super Good Looking – It doesn’t matter how close you are with someone, if they’re going to take the attention away. All eyes should be on you. You don’t want some smokeshow dude flashing his pearly whites and making all the girls giddy.  

3. Choose A Friend Who Is A Good Speaker – In most cases, groomsmen (the best man) will give a speech at the bachelor dinner. You don’t want every person in your crew to be some blacked out frat guy who can’t string together a coherent sentence. 

4. Choose At Least One Diverse Friend – In trotting out your best friends, this is everyone’s chance to get a complete picture about who you surround yourself with. 

5. Figure Out Who Is In Dire Need Of A Status Boost – Not everything with the groomsmen selection is about you. By elevating someone’s status to groomsmen, you immediately make them a more visible and desirable figure at the wedding. Girls will take notice. “Wow, if this guy is close enough with the groom such that he was selected as a groomsman, I can only imagine what a tender lover he is.  

6. Make Sure Not To Include “The Funny Guy” – When you include “The Funny Guy” in the wedding party, he doesn’t look at this so much as an act of bro love, but rather an invitation to Last Comic Standing. 

7. Throw Your Mom A Bone – Your wedding is just as much a celebration for your parents as it is for you. Let them share in the joy by extending an invite to your mom’s best friend’s son, who you grew up with, and think is a total weirdo, but you know it would mean a lot to your mom if you included him. 

Please Note: This is an article directed at people with a large group of friends.

Thursday 2 November 2017

Things To Know Before a Pre-wedding Photo Shoot

What is a pre-wedding or engagement shoot?

A pre-wedding shoot, often referred to as an engagement shoot, it is a photo shoot that usually takes place three to six months prior to the wedding day. Though pre-wedding shoots have become a necessity for most, a lot of couples have started debating on whether or not they should have one. Some couples think it's a waste of money and has no use at all. Well, on that case, they might be wrong.

Lets look at some benefits of having a pre-wedding shoot;

An engagement shoot can actually help you in a few different ways. First, it helps you build a good rapport with your photographer, especially if you're hiring the same one to document your wedding day. You will feel more comfortable with your photographer and also get to know his or her shooting style. 

For your photographer, it's also the time to get to know more about you as a couple; your characters, how affectionate you are with each other, how formal or casual your styles are. This way, they can create suitable settings that will flatter the both of you during your pre-wedding shoot and wedding day.

Pre-wedding photos benefit the couple as well. "Pre-wedding moments are romantic times for the couple. It isn't rare to see couples happily reminisce their initial chemistry and relive that spark during a shoot." In short, it's a great way to create everlasting memories.

What makes a great pre-wedding photo?

There are so many things that can help make great engagement pictures, the greatness of an engagement album relies on two things. 

One is whether or not the pictures can tell the couples' story and the other is how emotions are captured by the lens. "Pictures have to tell something; who they are, how they began, or where they're going as a couple. If the two are in the medical line, then it would be great to have a medical backdrop gracing the shoot." Above all, it is the captured emotions that bring all the goodness to the pictures.

Pre-Wedding Concepts

Many creative couples and photographers have come up with countless pre-wedding concepts; so many that you will probably have trouble choosing one for yourself. Fret not; we'll take you through five of the most popular concepts, the kinds of couples that will suit them best, and how to execute them well. 

1. The Traditional

First up is the traditional concept. The traditional concept is basically a concept in which you delve into the roots of your cultural heritage and display those cultural elements in your photos. This look is very suitable for those planning to have a traditional wedding celebration. I would say the our African/Nigeria brides have an advantage, as their cultural diversity is so vast and colorful in ways that look amazing in pictures.

If you wish to go traditional, pick a location that shows the antique vibes of the culture you've chosen to go with. For clothing, stick to traditional attire, of course, but keep it simple and sweet. Save the elaborate details for your wedding day. Ask your photographer for black-and-white or sepia-toned pictures that can bring out a more authentic feel to the pictures.

2. The Glamorous

Choosing glamorous means it's time for fancy dresses and grand locations; basically showing as much class as possible through the pictures. Couples that go for this kind of photo shoot are most probably ones that enjoy elegance and sophistication above all else.

Wardrobe-wise, find gorgeous dresses that will create a statement in the pictures; either in classic black-and-white or in daring colors, the choice is yours. For the location, it would be great if you can have a shoot at an iconic landmark or somewhere with a very beautiful landscape. Showcase your stunning location and your dress for the ultimate glamorous feel.

3. The Casual

The opposite of the glamorous is the casual concept. Unlike the glamorous that flaunts fancy dresses and locations, the casual tones it down and goes for a more modest approach. Couples have used different themes for their casual photo shoots; some reenact their first meeting, others showcase their hobbies or even what they did on their first date. Depending on the theme you choose, casual clothing is always a safe choice for this concept. You can wear a simple dress with your man in a shirt and shorts or  same customised Tshirts and jean or any other clothing that fits the occasion. Just be sure that you don't look too pose-y and unnatural as it is a casual shoot, after all.

4. The Indigenous

The indigenous is a concept that has just become popular in the past few years. It's actually like having your picture taken candidly as you go about your activities. Take this couple here, they decided to have the picnic concept, so what they did was have an actual picnic and trust the photographer to take pictures. If you're the type of couple that doesn't like to pose in front of the camera, this will be the perfect option. Just be natural and effortless and let the magic happen. However, you need to be very careful in choosing your photographer as not all photographers are experienced in taking candid pictures.

5. The Thematic

A thematic pre-wedding shoot is a shoot which has a specific theme that you and your partner have chosen together. You can choose a theme that evokes a general ambience like for instance, your professions, or the vintage theme, or even something more specific, like the roaring 1990's or a theme based on travel. For the location and wardrobe, cleverly adjust everything to go with the theme you've chosen. For instance, if you go with a western theme, do it in a ranch with you two dressed in folk-y attire. If it's vintage, then choose an antique setting and dress yourself accordingly for a complete old-world feel.

The Dos and Don'ts of Pre-Wedding Photography

As simple and effortless as they look, pre-wedding shoots are not that simple. There are a few things that you need to consider and pay attention to before the shoot even takes place. Study these dos and don'ts carefully to help you prepare the perfect shoot.

Do: your research

First and foremost, the most important step of all is to do your research. 

On what? On everything related to the shoot - like location, wardrobe, and especially your photographer and concept. First is the concept. 

* Make sure that you've decided on a concept and theme. See some samples of pre-wedding pictures and take note of the concepts you like, then determine the one you want for your own shoot. 

*After choosing a concept, decide on a photographer. Find the photographer whose style and budget range suits yours and, most importantly, is capable of delivering the concept you've chosen. Make sure you choose the right person for the job. 

Do: plan your concept carefully

It is very important to plan your shoot very carefully. Some couples want to spare the nitty-gritty and just go with whatever is trending. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just that the photos will come out as "just another engagement shoot" and not reflect you as a couple, let alone your personality. Also, plan the photo shoot session ahead to avoid unnecessary mistakes.  Planning ahead is very important, so please do so accordingly. 

Do: pick a suitable time for the shoot

Talking about time, there are two things you need to consider. The shoot itself has to be done at the right time, not too close to and not too far off from the wedding day. As the photographer will need time to edit the pictures, don't do it too close to the wedding. On the other hand, don't do the shoot too far off from the wedding date so your guests will also feel the excitement leading up to your wedding day.

On the day of your shoot, pick the perfect time of the day to do the shoot. You should always consult your photographer, especially if you're having an outdoor shoot. He or she will know what time frame produces the perfect light for your shoot, as it will determine the vibe and feel of the pictures. Don't forget to also pay attention to the weather and prepare accordingly, for example having umbrellas or sunscreen ready for an outdoor shoot will be spare you a lot of trouble. 

Do: be prepared and come on time

On the designated day of the shoot, be prepared and come on time. It is important to come on time considering that you've made an appointment with the photographer. This is one of the most common mistakes made.  "Some brides wish to have their pre-wedding at sunrise yet wake up late and miss the sunrise time frame." Coming on time will also make you feel more relaxed and calm, which will be great for the pictures. Don't forget to bring a mini emergency kit—a pouch with safety pins, makeup, hair pins, and a mini sewing kit—just in case.

Another tip  is to be yourself. "That's the easiest thing you can do. Don't be someone you're not as it will look unnatural. So don't try too hard."

Don't: go with an extremely different look

*Don't let adrenaline rush drive you to make impulsive decisions regarding your looks, like having a sudden change with your hairstyle, hair color, or facial hair grooming. In your pictures, of course you want to look like no one else but you. These extreme decisions will make you look not quite like yourself in the pictures and you surely wouldn't want that.

Don't: forget about your partner's wishes

This is what brides tend to forget. You're not the only one posing in the shoot; your partner is there with you. Make sure that your man is comfortable with the shoot and its whole concept and idea, as not everyone is comfortable having his pictures taken in such a fancy manner. Nothing is worse than a grumpy groom; imagine him refusing to pose and looking sour in every frame. You wouldn't want that. Always ask for his approval and if there's ever a concern, talk about it to reach a compromise.

Don't: disregard simple health and beauty tricks

Disregarding simple health and beauty tips will greatly affect how you look on your shooting day. Don't skip meals before and on the shooting day as engagement shoots require energy. You will need to supply yourself with food rather than starve yourself to look skinnier. The same applies to your water intake. Some brides avoid drinking too much water, worrying that she will look bloated. On the contrary, lack of water intake will affect your body and face's freshness, making you look dull and unhealthy. Also, don't go to sleep too late the night before so you can wake up on time with a beautiful glow.

Unique Pre-Wedding Location Ideas

Now here comes the fun part. 

We present you with a list of unique places you can consider as your pre-wedding locations. Yes, it all comes down to your theme and concept, but perhaps these lovely spots can get you inspired. Take a look.








Landmarks, etc

Museums, monuments, and historical landmarks have their own beautiful charms that will illuminate your pre-wedding photo album, as having iconic places as backdrops can bring more life and different kinds of feelings to your pre-wedding pictures. A museum will instill a vintage feel. Be reminded though that being in a place full of prized antique possessions means you have to be extra careful. Watch so that you don’t touch, or worse, broke the artifacts that are present in the location and don’t forget remind your photographer of the same thing. God forbid that his equipment tips over the precious artifacts. ☺






Tuesday 17 October 2017


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